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Information won't fix your game - this will...

We all know how easy it is to find information these days. YouTube, Instagram, golf forums, and endless online resources… They all promise to fix your slice, help you gain 20 yards, or hole more putts. You name it, there’s a video or an article about it. It’s no wonder golfers feel overwhelmed.

Don’t get me wrong, access to this kind of information is great. But here’s the truth – it’s not the information that makes you better. It’s the implementation.

Step 1: Becoming Problem Aware

Let’s start with the basics. To improve, you need to be aware that something’s wrong. I’m not just talking about knowing your handicap is stuck or you’re struggling to break 90 – I mean really getting to grips with a specific problem in your game.

For example, you might be slicing your driver. Becoming aware of this is the first step. You keep seeing your ball curve like a banana and you keep missing fairways. This is what we call problem awareness.

Step 2: Gathering Information (Solution Aware)

Once you know what’s wrong, it’s time to search for solutions. This is where most golfers get bogged down.

Maybe you go online, and search "how to fix a slice." Suddenly you’re faced with hundreds of tips – (there are lots of different ways to do it).

Maybe you even book a traditional golf lesson, and the pro fills your head with information in 1 hour. You walk away feeling great. Now you have three drills, two swing thoughts, and useful information on how to fix the issue.

Sound familiar?

This is what we call solution awareness. You know the problem, and now you’ve gathered a ton of possible fixes. But here’s where things start to break down...

Step 3: The Real Issue – Implementation

The problem isn’t a lack of information. The problem is that information alone won’t get you anywhere. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don’t know how to implement it, it’s useless.

And this is where most golfers fail.

Learning how to fix your slice or gain distance is one thing, but actually applying those fixes in a meaningful way? That’s something completely different.

The real question is: how do you turn all of that information into actual progress? How do you ensure you’re making the right changes and that they’ll stick when you’re out on the course under pressure?

That’s where G60 comes in.

Why G60 is Different

At G60, we don’t just bombard you with tips, drills, and swing thoughts, leaving you to figure it out on your own. Although we do promote "figuring it out" by doing it. The Nike Slogan, JUST DO IT is one of our favourites.

We also guide you through each step of the improvement process – from understanding what to practice, to how to practice, and even helping you manage your expectations along the way.

We break the cycle of frustration by focusing on implementation, not just information.

Here’s what that looks like:

  1. Guided Practice: It’s not enough to just show up and hit balls. We’ll teach you how to practice effectively. Whether you’re working on your short game or improving your driving, we recommend different ways to practise, think and expect at each of the 3 phases. (Build, Maintain, Perform)

  2. Accountability: We don’t just tell you what to do and leave you to it. We’re with you every step of the way. Through the CoachNow app, you can send us regular updates, videos of your swing, or questions, and we’ll provide feedback to keep you on track.

  3. Measuring Improvement: You can’t improve what you don’t measure. We’ll benchmark your progress through testing and feedback, ensuring you know exactly where your game is improving and where to focus next.

  4. Managing Expectations: One of the biggest reasons golfers fail to improve is a lack of patience. They try something for a few weeks, don’t see immediate results, and give up. At G60, we help you understand the phases of improvement. We set realistic expectations from the start, so you know the process required to see real change.

The bottom line is this: execution beats information. Some people listen well, read well, and maybe even write stuff down, but nothing beats doing it. And at G60, we’re all about helping you implement those changes, not just throwing information at you.

Stop Chasing Information. Start Implementing.

If you’ve been overwhelmed by all the information, or if you’ve tried private lessons but didn’t see any long-term results, it’s time to do something different.

We don’t just provide quick fixes or gimmicks. We’re here to help you build the skills you need to become a better golfer, with a structured 3-phased system that guides you through every step of the journey.

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